Disclosure Statement


Welcome to the website “Exploring the Benefits of OLED Technology in Televisions” (the “Website”), accessible at https://everythingeverydayshopping.com/. The Website is operated by [Company Name], and this disclosure statement aims to provide you with relevant information about the nature of our content, affiliations, and advertising practices.

Purpose and Nature of the Website

The Website serves as an informative platform where users can gain knowledge about OLED technology in televisions. Our content primarily focuses on exploring the benefits of OLED technology, its advancements, and how it enhances the TV viewing experience. We aim to provide educational and informative articles, guides, and reviews related to OLED technology and LG Electronics’ products.

Authorship and Expertise

The content on this Website is created by a team of writers and researchers who possess an extensive understanding and knowledge of OLED technology and LG Electronics products. While we strive to ensure accuracy, the information provided on this Website should not be considered as professional advice. Readers are advised to conduct their own research or consult appropriate professionals when making purchasing decisions.

Affiliate Relationships and Advertising

The Website may participate in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may earn commission fees on qualifying purchases made through affiliate links featured on our pages. These affiliate links are prominently disclosed within the content when applicable.

Unbiased Recommendations

Despite our participation in affiliate programs, we maintain a commitment to providing unbiased and objective information. Our reviews, comparisons, and recommendations are based on our own evaluation of the products or services, independently of any affiliate relationship. Our primary goal is to assist users in making informed decisions rather than focusing solely on generating revenue.

Sponsored Content

At times, the Website may feature sponsored content in the form of articles, product reviews, or promotional materials. Sponsored content will always be clearly identified as such. These posts are created in collaboration with advertisers, and while we may receive compensation, we ensure that our objectivity, honesty, and editorial integrity remain intact.

Privacy Policy

For details about the collection, use, and protection of your personal information, please refer to our Privacy Policy, accessible on the Website.

Contact Information

If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions regarding this disclosure statement or the practices of this Website, please feel free to contact us at support@everythingeverydayshopping.com

Updates to the Disclosure

This disclosure statement may be updated or revised periodically to reflect any changes in our practices, content, or advertising strategies. The most recent version will always be available on the Website.

Last Updated: 8/26/2023